By | March 23, 2016
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Having a bread store is very handy for a frugal life.

bread store The bread store

Having a bread store is very handy for a frugal life. I was raised in a frugal house. It was by necessity that we lived frugally. So you can say my upbringing ingrained frugality in me. The discovery of a store that sold one product and only one product type came to me at a very tender age.

Bakery Outlet, or Bakery Store, or Bread Store, or Used Bread Store?

Whatever the name you choose to use, the bread store or the bakery outlet is part of a frugal life. But you can’t really make the best use of a bread store unless you have the capability of storing a large volume of bread products. You need to be able to keep the bread from drying out, or growing mold over time. A freezer is needed to keep the bread “fresh” and mold at bay. You buy bread at the sale price which is usually several loaves for a great price. This usually is more than you can store without some method of prolonging the bread from spoilage. A large freezer is crucial to making this system work.

Freezers –

How Long Does Bread Last?

The bread keeps fine in your freezer for several weeks so stock up to avoid having to make frequent stops. I buy a month’s worth of bread at a time. So the answer to the above question is several days in warm damp weather before mold sets in. Or the answer could be it depends on the brand of bread you buy. I bought two different brands of bread both whole wheat, one brand in the summer would mold up in 2 days the other brand after 5 days was still without mold. I learned brands matter if you keep your bread out or in a bread keeper or box.  But if I want to use the quick molding bread in summer I had better put it in the refrigerator to keep the mold away.

How To Store Bread

bread store Bread BoxLong-term storage is a no-brainer, the freezer wins. When you bring your bread home don’t stack your bread one on top of the other in the freezer instead leave the loaves of bread in the shopping bags as the store clerk has probably placed them in the bag on their ends. This will prevent crushing until they freeze avoiding smashed loaves. Short term storage depends on the brand of bread, how quick it gets devoured, and heat and humidity. Here in California’s central valley, I store my bread out in a bread keeper or box for most of the year. Summer the quick molding bread moves into the refrigerator.

Bread Boxes –

Can I get specialty bread at the discount bread store?

If you can find it in your local grocery stores chances are that it will be in your local bread stores. The bread store has a wide variety of baked goods at great prices.  If you prefer organic bread don’t think that you won’t find these products at discount bread stores because you can. I have also seen gluten free products at my bread outlet store.

Where does the bread come from?

The bread comes from over-runs, and bread pulled from the grocery stores in your area. I don’t know the criteria that is used to determine whether a loaf of bread stays on the shelf or gets pulled. But the bread store cannot sell bread that has gone beyond the sell-by date. So the bread has to get pulled from the grocery store shelves with enough time to get back to the manufacturer, then get redistributed to the discount bread store and sold before the sell-by date.

Family size loaves of 100% whole grain bread are deeply discounted at the bread store. With a little shopping, I bet you too can get your daily bread at a great price. If you are looking for a way to squeeze a bit more from the budget this is one money saving tip that might help your frugal life.

Related Article:The ten best bread store tips

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