By | October 23, 2016
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Tools for changing a cabin filter

Tools for changing a cabin filter are probably in your home now. This article covers the tools needed for cleaning the filter area. Changing your cabin filter requires cleaning where your hands cannot reach. You will need to vacuum out the large stuff and brush loose the stuck on stuff in the filter’s location. The car cabin filter can be located in different places on the vehicle. But they all share the same thing. The vehicle draws in fresh air from outside. This can allow leaves, and other contaminants to enter your venting system. The filter blocks them from coming into the cabin. You will need to clean out the area before installing the new filter.

Getting to the large stuff

You will need a vacuum to suck out the debris. You will need a vacuum with a hose.  Unfortunately, the hose may not fit into the filter space to remove the debris. So a modification is needed. Do not worry the modification is not to the vacuum or shop vacuum hose. The modification is to a piece of 3/4″ PVC pipe.before-and-after-cleaning-1

The Modification Needed

The PVC pipe is small enough to fit into the filter space. To keep it simple cut a piece of 3/4″ PVC pipe 18-24″. It should fit into your vacuum hose. Hold the pipe into the vacuum hose and use it as an extension to clean the filter area of the debris.


A long handle brush

A soft bristle brush will help remove the stuck on dust and pollutants on the fins for the heater/air conditioner. The bristles being soft is especially important. The area has a lot of aluminum fins for the heater core or air conditioner evaporator. You do not want to bend these fins and reduce the airflow of the system.  The bristles are also good for cleaning any track that the filter may use to hold it in place.

There you have it. The two “tools” that will help you remove the dirt, debris, and gunk that has accumulated since the last filter was installed.

Related Article: Improve Air Quality Change the Cabin Filter


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