By | July 30, 2016
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The one plant you do not want in your yard

one plant you don't want in your yard Oleander
Do you have small children or pets? If so, this is one plant you do not want in your yard. This plant is beautiful with showy flowers. This makes it an attractive plant for the yard. However, this plant’s parts, flowers, stems, leaves, and roots are all poisonous. A plant that is so poisonous that even the smoke from burning any part of it is poisonous. It’s hard to believe that our yards could have such a poisonous plant.

All parts of this tree, green or dried, are lethal. Welcome to the one plant that could kill you. The Oleander.

Why is this plant in yards?

Have you driven in California, Texas, or Hawaii? Do you remember all those tall flowering bushes along the highways? They were most likely Oleander. Oleander can bloom a long time from summer to fall.  The flowers of the oleander come in shades of apricot, red, purple, salmon, copper, pink, lilac, yellow, and white. Some varieties’ have a perfume like smell. This makes the oleander an attractive but deadly plant for yards.

Have you purchased a home recently?

Have you purchased a home with an established yard? You need to look for this plant. If the previous owners didn’t know about the oleander toxicity they could be planted in your yard.

one tree you don't want in your yard Oleander Flowers
one tree you don't want in your yard Oleander Flowers
one tree you don't want in your yard Oleander Flowers
one tree you don't want in your yard Oleander Flowers


Who and what is at risk?

Is there is an oleander in your yard? Do you have outdoor pets? If so, your pets may be in danger. The oleander is deadly to all cats, dogs, horses, cows, and birds. The oleander’s poisons will affect the heart. The most serious symptoms are not always obvious.The plant’s poisons can create an irregular heartbeat. This is where the heart may beat too fast, too slowly, too early, or irregularly.  If your pets eat any part of the oleander plant they are in serious trouble.

Gardening and Oleanders

Do not compost oleander clippings. The poisons from the Oleander will remain in the compost. Oleander clippings will definitely poison your compost pile. Making it dangerous to use. Wear protective gloves and clothing when working with this plant. Wash your skin if it makes contact with the sap.

So you now have all the information you need to make an informed decision about the oleander.

Learn how to kill Oleanders Site Map


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