By | July 5, 2016
Reading Time: 2 minutes

New NSA Products in Supermarket

I found some new NSA products in the Supermarket. I do the shopping for my family and since I am a diabetic I am always looking for NSA products.  I found these products were on the shelves in June 2016.

New NSA products Store brand NSA fruit cocktail

No Sugar Added Fruit Cocktail at

The new products, Canned Fruit, Flavored Coffee Creamers, and Pickles. I found these products at two different markets, but each product was not at both markets. I always have an eye open for new products in the Pickle aisle. This seems to be the place where the least amount of effort developing NSA recipes has happened. Now with half the population of California being at risk for Diabetes, things are starting to happen in this category.

The Canned Fruit aisle

The Canned Fruit aisle has had a steady increase in the number of NSA products. Pears, peaches, mandarin oranges, and fruit cocktail by a major manufacturer are commonplace in the supermarket. What is new is that the word seems to be finally spreading to the generic manufacturers. NSA canned fruit has come to the store brands. I found some NSA fruit cocktail in a store brand.

New NSA products NSA bread and butter pickle chips

No Sugar Added Bread & Butter Pickles at

The Pickle aisle

The Pickle aisle has recently heated up with different major manufacturer’s NSA products. This recent trip I noticed that the aisle had NSA Bread & Butter pickle chips. Boy have I been looking for this day to arrive.

The Coffee aisle

The last item I found on my new NSA products list was in the coffee aisle.  In the past, I have seen one flavor of NSA coffee flavoring in the liquid coffee creamer area in the refrigerated cooler. But, what I found this trip was that there were 3 flavors of creamer in the dry or powdered creamer aisle.

New NSA products Sugar Free Flavored Coffee Creamers

Sugar Free Flavored Coffee Creamers


What was that about half of all Californians may become diabetic? Want to learn more(click here)

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