By | December 23, 2015
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Getting the freshest tortillas into your shopping cart

This is a simple procedure when tortilla shopping to positively know that you are getting the freshest tortillas in the store. fresh tortillas1

We have all seen it as we’ve been grocery shopping. The store shelves are being restocked as you near the product you want. New packages of tortillas are getting put on the shelf along with the ones already there. We all want the best for our families. That includes the freshest possible food products. Unless you have seen the tortillas being made how can you tell if you have the freshest tortillas in your cart?

Tortilla Warmers –

A Fresh Tortilla

If you know how tortillas react to aging then you will know how to pick the freshest of the fresh in the store. If you have ever made homemade tortillas did you notice how a fresh tortilla from the comal behaves? A little sleuthing on fresh tortillas will reveal that just coming off the cooking process and while still warm, tortillas are very soft and pliable. As they get older they start to dry out and the softness and pliability wane. They get stiffer. really fresh bagged tortillasThe Test

So what’s the trick to getting the freshest tortillas in the store? Do you open the tortilla package and use a moisture meter on them? Not hardly. Remember that soft and pliable fresh tortilla? Grab that package, hold the edge of the packaged tortillas and move them up and down slowly but with purpose. If the tortillas are really fresh they will not stick together or move as a single disk. They will droop and move as individuals. Your fresh package will be rather flexible.

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There you have it, a simple piece of information and a simple in-store technique and the freshest tortillas can now be in your car as you make your way home from the grocery store because you’re in the know.

Related Articles: More Articles about tortillas

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